Dear Colleagues,
I founded The Big Opt Out Campaign. We campaign against the government centralised database for medical records in the UK. We also provide advice on all aspects of medical confidentiality in the UK. I founded the organisation as I found that as a former NHS Manager I wasn't aware of what the government was doing with confidentiality of our medical records. We regular take calls from NHS staff as they are also unaware of what is happening to patients medical records. We also advise patients as well as campaign on medical confidentiality and the governments centralised database for medical records.
I founded and lead the Campaign with help from Prof Ross Anderson at Cambridge University, Dr Fleur Fisher former Head of the BMA Ethics Dept, Dr Paul Thornton helps in a personal capacity. NO2ID advise on our publicity.
We are well known and established in the UK. We also work regularly with high profile journalists and the Press.
It would be wonderful if we could do some joined up working.
With best wishes and kind regards,
Helen Wilkinson
The Big Opt Out